Studying God’s Word alongside other Christians makes God’s guidance for daily living more clear. From those who have never opened a Bible to those who have studied it for years, everyone can find a good starting point, a supportive community, and approachable teachers through Church of Maumelle Bible Studies.
The New Beginnings Class is a class of active Senior Citizens. retirement age individuals. The class studies different books of the Bible using homework-optional curriculum that walks through one book of the Bible at the time. Leadership is rotated among several members weekly. The next study will be selected by the class as the Isaiah study comes to an end.
Meets Sundays at 9:00 AM in Room A101
Believers Bible Study is a class of working and retired individuals. The class is led by Ralph Shull and studies the Bible without additional curriculum. Ralph determines what book and chapters he will present each week. The class subject can be determined by a question a class member raises.
Meets Sundays at 9:00AM in Room A110
Molly’s Methodist Minions is a class of people primarily in their late 30’s to mid 40s. Many but not all participants have children living at home. The class has great discussions, using homework-optional curriculum. They learn a lot from the lessons and from each other. Additionally the class has some children and family friendly fellowship events.
Meets Sundays at 9:00AM in Room A110
Church Chicks is a women’s fellowship and no-homework Bible study group that meets on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 in Room A101. It’s composed of women of all ages, backgrounds and educational levels. All women are welcome to join in the study, the missions’ programs and the fellowship. The Chicks participate in Bunco, dining out, shopping, and a yearly overnight retreat.
The Chicks started with Genesis and In 2024 started an in-depth study of Job taught by Judy Brady. Kelley Thompson will teach Psalms next.
Meets on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 in Room A101.
John Wesley Study is a 4 session class that provides an introduction into the practical, Biblical theology of John Wesley. This class is taught by Melanie Conway and Susan Howard annually.
Mystery Dinner Club is a group that meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month for dinner and lunch alternately, at local restaurants. It is a great way to meet and get to know others in our church family we wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to know. All are welcome! Email the church at to sign up.
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