In Missions

Step Encouragers

Members volunteer to work with 2 or 3 students for 30 minutes each per week.

Jesus had a special place in his heart for children. STEP Ministries Mission Statement is “To empower people through Jesus Christ to step in, step up, and step out.” The Church of Maumelle believes this is the essence of being a Christian. STEP Encourager program provides everyone who wishes to serve a way to live out the grace and truth of Jesus Christ by tutoring and nurturing students in local public schools.

For more information on STEP Ministries visit their website.

Hope Ministry

Financial and volunteer support is offered to this food pantry serving the Maumelle and Marche areas on Monday and Friday mornings.

The Church of Maumelle is one of four churches in the area supporting Hope Ministries. Volunteer opportunities are Mondays and Fridays. In 2023 Hope served an average of 727 people per month and a total of 8,733.

For more information on Hope Alliance visit their website.

Ozark Mission Project

This youth mission offers weeklong service opportunities across the state all summer long, where youths do significant home repair for improverished Arkansans.

Local Partnerships

Seasonal collections of items for area ministries such as Methodist Family Health Residential Treatment, the VA hospital, school supplies, etc.
Partnerships with First Baptist Church Maumelle such as Back To School supply distribution and the Snowflake shop

College Outreach

Church of Maumelle is proud to financially support outreach to college students in Boulder, Colorado via the Student Mobilization program through our special offerings for Financial Support of mIssionaries.

For more information visit their website.

For more information email the church at or text 501-734-8020