Men’s Ministry

Brothers in Christ

Men benefit from serving alongside one another, mentoring and being mentored by their brothers in Christ. Men’s ministry is a way to strengthen Christian men, and a means for them to share their strength with the church and community.

Men's Group

The Maumelle Men’s Ministry is a group of men that meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 6pm. There is a devotional at each meeting. The meeting also includes great fellowship and discussion about needs of the church and the community and how the group can serve. The meeting closes with prayer concerns and a group prayer. This group is intended to encourage men from within the church as well as men from the community. Any man may walk in and participate, and all of the men are encouraged to invite neighbors and friends.

Community Service

Brotherhood among the men is strengthened through their community activities. Each June they organize and “staff” the Ken Watson Memorial Golf Tournament. Twice a year the men gather to prepare a few hundred quarts of MMM Spaghetti Sauce to sell. Proceeds from these fundraisers are disbursed among local charities.

Additionally the men serve at church and community events as a group from time to time. They have grilled out for the fire and police departments and church activities.

Chair Team

Chair Team meets at 7:30am every Sunday Morning. After preparing the sanctuary and classrooms for worship, this group shares in a devotional and prayer time over coffee.

For more information on Men’s Ministries email or text 501-734-8020